Simplifying Your Code: The Art of Adding and Removing Go Modules

Developers Journal
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2024


Adding and Removing dependencies in Go modules is a straight forward process. Go modules, introduced in Go 1.11, are the official dependency management system in Go. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add and remove dependencies:

Adding Dependencies

Initialize a New Module (if not already done)
If you haven’t already created a Go module, start by initializing one in your project directory:

go mod init <module-name>

Replace <module-name> with your module name. This command will create go.mod file with the module name that you have specified. The go.mod file contains the following information:

  1. Name of the module.
  2. GO version
  3. Dependencies of the module

Add a Dependency
To add a new dependency to your module, you can simply import the package in your Go code and then run:

go get

This command will download the latest version of the dependency and update your go.mod file. Alternatively, you can specify a particular version:

go get package@version

Replace package with the package import path and version with the desired version. Example:

go get

The above command will get the Kafka package for the specified version number.

Tidy Your Module
After adding dependencies, it’s a good practice to run:

go mod tidy

This command will remove any unused dependencies and add any missing ones, ensuring that your go.mod and go.sum files are up to date.

Removing Dependencies

Remove the Import
First, remove all the code that imports the package you want to remove.

Tidy Your Module
Run the following command to remove the dependency from your go.mod file:

go mod tidy -v

This will clean up the go.mod file, removing the dependency since it's no longer used in your code.

Verify the Removal
You can verify that a dependency has been removed by checking your go.mod file or running:

go list -m all

This will list all the current dependencies of your module.

By following these steps, you can easily manage the dependencies of your Go modules. Remember, go mod tidy is a very useful command to clean up your module's dependencies, ensuring that your go.mod file only contains what's necessary.



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