Best Practices for Applying Design Patterns in Go

Developers Journal
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2023


Best Practices for Applying Design Patterns in Go

Using design patterns effectively in Go requires more than just understanding the patterns themselves. It involves adhering to best practices that ensure the patterns are applied in a way that brings out their full potential. Here are some key best practices for applying design patterns in Go projects:

Understand the Problem First

Problem-centric Approach: Before choosing a design pattern, fully understand the problem or the need for the pattern. Not every problem requires a design pattern, and sometimes a simpler solution might be more appropriate.

Keep Go’s Philosophy in Mind

Simplicity and Readability: Go emphasizes simplicity, readability, and practicality. Ensure that the application of a pattern doesn’t complicate the code unnecessarily and aligns with the language’s philosophy.

Use Interface-Based Design

Leverage Interfaces: Go’s interfaces are powerful tools for implementing various design patterns, especially those involving polymorphism like Strategy, Factory, or Adapter patterns. Use interfaces to decouple code and to provide flexible and interchangeable components.

Prefer Composition Over Inheritance

Favor Composition: Unlike many OOP languages, Go doesn’t support inheritance. Go encourages composition over inheritance. Use embedded structs to compose new functionalities.

Keep Concurrency in Mind

Design for Concurrency: Go is known for its concurrency model. When applying patterns, consider how they will work in a concurrent environment. For instance, in the Singleton pattern, ensure thread safety when creating the singleton instance.

Optimize for Maintainability

Maintainable Code: Design patterns should make your code more maintainable. If a pattern makes the code hard to understand or maintain, it might not be the right choice.

Testability of Code

Ensure Testability: Design patterns should enhance, not hinder, the testability of your code. Patterns like Dependency Injection can greatly improve testability by decoupling components.

Avoid Premature Optimization

Premature Optimization: Don’t apply a design pattern just for the sake of potential future needs or optimizations. Over-engineering can lead to unnecessarily complex code.

Document the Use of Patterns

Documentation: When a design pattern is used, document its use and the rationale behind it. This will help other developers understand the code better and maintain it effectively.

Refactor as Needed

Refactoring: Be open to refactoring your design patterns as requirements change. Patterns should evolve as the application grows or as new requirements emerge.


Applying design patterns in Go should be done with careful consideration of the language’s strengths and philosophies. The aim is to write code that is clean, maintainable, and efficient. Understanding when and how to use each pattern is key to building robust and scalable Go applications. Remember, patterns are tools, not rules, and should be applied judiciously to solve specific problems in your software design.

Originally published at on December 16, 2023.



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